Saturday, November 20, 2010


Today I attended a Malay wedding at my hometown . It is a real typical Malay wedding , It all started with an engagement ceremony . The bridegroom to be brought 7 trays of gifts consisted of a ring, a praying mat, a pair of Malay clothing , a wedding cake , a tray of fruits , a pair of shoes and a hand phone . Wow great it's so different from what I had seen before.

The hand phone is something that was not found in the early 70's . Anyway , this gadget has become a necessity and it can help both the couple be connected I supposed.

Then , the wedding started with an immam coming to wed the couple. Then the two of them legally became husband and wife.

hat 's next yes in connection with the Hari Raya Qurban the hosting family had slaughtered a big
bull.All the guests helped themselves under the prepared tents . Great !!!!!!!!!!!!!everyone enjoyed the feast . I too took the chance to join the group.

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